Water Poon
b.1944(Hong Kong)

潘炯榮 (水禾田) (中國,1944 年-) 潘炯榮是著名的跨媒體創作藝術家,每年忙著舉行畫展,不亦樂乎。 他出生於廣東南海,畢業於香港,1985 年,潘氏獲香港十大傑出青年獎、1988 年獲香港藝術聯、第一屆攝 影家獎、2005 年獲中國上海馬爹利頒藝術家年獎和中國濟南大學美術糸客座教授、歷年來均有出版攝影集、 畫集及遊記於世界各地展出其攝影及繪畫作品,並多次獲得獎項。 潘烱榮運用攝影機去捕捉人與景已經超過三十多年, 作品已是深入民心,經常體驗大自然的他,深度地提升出 山水的精華,用極具魅力的技巧,描繪下他內心的景觀。
Multidisciplinary artist Poon Kwing Wing (b. 1944), has a strong visual sense and an openness to exploring different mediums and styles throughout his long career as an artist. Also known under his pen name Water Poon, he possesses a keen understanding of the power of simplicity and restraint in creating impactful artwork. For more than half a century, this largely self-taught artist has been practicing the art of Chinese ink painting in Hong Kong and beyond. In his Chinese watercolors, he frequently employs a minimalist approach, using a restricted palette, the color wash technique, and a few defining brushstrokes. This technique allows him to convey a sense of calm or tranquillity in his paintings. Poon's artistic career is best described as diverse and dynamic.
As a keen amateur photographer, he first gained recognition as a young design apprentice billboard painter at the Shaw Brothers studios while still in his teens, where he broke new ground in Hong Kong with his innovative approach to poster design, incorporating actual photographs and film stills. After working as a photojournalist for Chinese Readers Digest, Poon adopted the more professional and English-sounding pen names "Water" and "Shui Wo Tin (水禾田)", playful renderings of his Chinese surname. His photography has been exhibited throughout Asia, becoming the first photographer to exhibit photographs of Taipei in Beijing and photographs of Beijing in Taipei. In addition to photography, he also ventured into documentary filmmaking and won numerous international awards.