Rebecca Hon
b. 1985(Hong Kong)

Rebecca Hon (b.1985) is a Hong Kong artist who mixes traditional art with modern technology, graduated with the Master of Arts in Fine arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Rebecca’s graduation guidance is ink master Wucius Wong, She also followed Mr Chan Kwan Lap, Mr Tony Ng and Ms Jin Li to practise Chinese ink and watercolour techniques.Rebecca has won prizes in local and overseas competitions, such as the 2020 UOB Art in Ink Awards and the 24th Dadun Art Exhibition (Digital art category) in Taichung, Taiwan in 2019. In 2019, She visited the Taipei National University of the Arts as an interview student. Her main works include digital ink painting, modern ink painting and installation art. Her works have been sold in Ravenel auctions, and also exhibited in Hong Kong, Taiwan, US, Mainland China, Israel, Singapore, the United Kingdom and Scotland. Her works combine the ideas of the West and the East, and is committed to the fusion of traditional ink and new media, hoping to create works that have both traditional cultural connotation and contemporary new media.
韓雁婷 (b.1985),畢業自香港中文大學藝術系藝術文學碩士,是一位以混合傳統藝術和現代技術的香港藝術家。畢業指導為水墨大師王無邪老師,曾跟隨陳君立老師、吳觀麟老師、金莉老師等修習水墨及水彩技巧。韓雁婷的作品曾於本地及海外比賽獲獎,如2021年的香港人權藝術獎、2020的大華銀行年度水墨藝術大獎及2019年的台灣臺中市第24屆大墩美展數碼藝術類。2019年以碩士生身份到國立臺北藝術大學進行藝術交流訪問。韓雁婷現為香港賽馬會創意藝術中心駐村藝術家,創作範疇包括數碼水墨、現代水墨和裝置藝術,專注當代水墨的探索,並着重數碼技術及中國文化的揉合。作品曾於台灣羅芙奧拍賣會成交,並曾於香港、台灣、美國、中國內地、新加坡、以色列、英國及蘇格蘭等地展出。她的作品融合了西方和東方的想法,並致力於傳統水墨與新媒體兩者的溶合,期望能創作出既有傳統文化內涵又有當代新媒體風格的作品。