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Yan Shing Luk

Luk Yan Shing

b.1954(Hong Kong)


Yan Shing Luk began his artistic journey in his early years, studying and living in France for over a decade. In the late 1970s, he received artistic education at École Beaux Arts Brest and École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts in Paris. In addition to holding exhibitions in Belgium multiple times, Yan Shing had the honor of being invited by the Paris 6th District City Hall in 1983 to participate in a joint exhibition for Chinese artists in Paris, alongside esteemed Chinese masters such as Zao Wou-Ki and Chu Teh Chun, where he typically showcased his oil paintings.He has a passion for oil painting, and his works have been exhibited in Paris, Brussels, China, and Hong Kong. Lucien Luk's commercial works include the Ponte 16 Sofitel Hotel in Macau and the Printemps Hotel in Hong Kong. After returning to Hong Kong in his early years, Lucien Luk ventured back into the realm of pure artistic creation from the business world. They transcend the colonial and post-handover eras, carrying unique historical significance and prompting viewers to reflect on their roots and identities. The artist has a distinct fascination with the color green. For the most part, Lucien Luk uses green as the blueprint and foundation for his creations, blending it with the artistic imagery emanating from his inner self. 


陸潤城在早年開始了他的藝術之旅,留法求學以及生活十多年。在七十年代末分別於布列斯特高等美術學院以及巴黎國立高等美術學院接受美術的教育。陸潤城除了在比利時多次設展,亦於1983年有幸獲得法國巴黎第六區市政廳邀請舉辦巴黎華裔藝術家聯展,與大師級華人藝術家如:趙無極、朱德群等通常展出油畫作品。 潤城熱愛油畫,他的作品曾在巴黎、布魯塞爾、中國和香港展出。潤城的油畫作品亦被澳門十六浦索菲特酒店(Ponte 16 Sofitel Hotel)和香港的春天酒店(Printemps Hotel)收藏。早年回流香港的陸潤城,再次回到純藝術創作的領域,其滄海遺珠的作品逐漸在香港的藝術界冒起,它們不僅跨越香港殖民時期、回歸的年代,蘊藏獨特的歷史意義,重新讓人反思自己的根與身份。藝術家對綠色有一份獨有的執著,陸潤城大部分時候都以綠色作為創作的藍本和基礎,糅合自己從內在散發的意境,由眼前的一片綠中,觀眾能夠從西化的畫風中一窺傳統中國的景象與隱藏千年的智慧,還能感受大自然帶來的氣息。對作品的肌理、紋理和筆觸尤其講究,猶如在二維的畫布中,雕塑出三維、立體的世界。


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Rm 823, 8/F, 135 Hoi Bun Road,

Rykadan Capital Tower, Kwun Tong

觀塘 海濱路135號 宏基資本大廈 8樓823室

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