Jihea Park

Jihea Park is a highly skilled Korean artist who specializes in capturing the exquisite beauty of animals, particularly beloved pets such as dogs, cats, and rabbits. With her masterful use of ink and mixed media, Jihea brings these animals to life on linen, infusing each piece with a sense of joy and companionship.
Beyond the aesthetic appeal of her artwork, Jihea is driven by a powerful message: the importance of adopting animals and committing to their lifelong care. Through her paintings, she seeks to inspire viewers to embrace the responsibility of pet ownership and to discourage the heartbreaking practice of giving up pets. Jihea firmly believes that animals, like us, deserve love, attention, and a forever home.
In addition to her existing body of work, Jihea also welcomes commission requests. Whether you wish to immortalize your own beloved pet or create a lasting memory with a personalized portrait, Jihea's skill and artistry can bring your vision to life. By commissioning Jihea, you can not only celebrate the special bond you share with your pet but also support her continued advocacy for animal welfare through her art."
Jihea Park 是一位韓國藝術家,專門捕捉動物的絕妙美感,她透過精湛運用水墨和混合媒材的技巧,將這些動物栩栩如生地呈現在畫布上,為每一件作品注入了喜悅和關係的感覺。
除了藝術作品的美感之外,Jihea Park還秉持著一個訊息:領養動物並承諾終身照顧的重要性。通過她的繪畫作品,她希望激勵觀眾擁抱養寵物的責任,並反對遺棄寵物的行為。Jihea Park 堅信,動物和我們一樣,應該獲得愛、關注和永遠的家。
Jihea Park 非常樂意接受訂製,為您打造獨一無二的藝術品。無論您希望紀念心愛的寵物,還是創作一幅個性化肖像畫作為寶貴的回憶,Jihea Park 的技巧和藝術才華能夠將您的願景變成現實。透過訂製作品,您不僅能連繫與寵物之間的特殊情感,同時也支持她透過藝術持續倡議動物福利。