Erica Hestu Wahyuni

Born in Yogyakarta, Java in 1971. Erica started painting in primary school, joining a children’s drawing club (Sanggar Katamsi), which was taught by Suharto PR and Herry Wibowo – both established painters. Erica is hailed as one of the most promising artists from Indonesia. She studied painting at the prestigious Indonesian Fine Art Institute in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Surikov Institute of Art, Russia.
Erica’s paintings are usually unpretentious expressions of herself and they reflect her experiences and interests. Her art may be childlike, but they are certainly not simplistic. Each work contains interesting narrative qualities, which reveal the worldview of the artist. Erica’s naive, playful renditions have ascertained her reputation as one of the most sought-after contemporary artists in South East Asia.
愛麗茄·赫斯圖·瓦尤尼(Erica Hestu Wahyuni)(生於1971年)爪哇島(Java)。她在小學時期開始繪畫,加入了由Suharto PR和Herry Wibowo(兩位知名畫家)教授的兒童繪畫俱樂部(Sanggar Katamsi)。她曾在印度尼西亞日惹的印尼美術學院和俄羅斯的蘇里科夫美術學院學習繪畫,被譽為印尼最有潛力的藝術家之一。